Thursday, January 8, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: What is Fertility Test

What is Fertility Test

Fertitest test is a tool to test the women's fertile period. This tool can detect quickly, accurate and reliable, even if the results of the qualitative positive and negative and can not determine the quantitative.

When starting the test?

Determine the length of the Menstrual Cycle

Menstrual cycle is the number of days from the first day of menstruation until the day before menstruation in the next month.

Match the cycle table below:

Table of Cycle

Menstrual Cycle

Start day-to-Test

Menstrual Cycle

Start day-to-Test

Menstrual Cycle

Start day-to-Test

Menstrual Cycle

Test day to start










































The first day menstruation is day-to-1, if your menstrual cycle of less than 21 days or more than 40 days, consult with your doctor

To determine when the test is started as follows:


If your cycle is 27 days (see table above cycle), the test is done on day-to-10, determining the day-to-10 as follows:



3+3 +
Day 1Day 1









12*12 *
Day 10Day 10


















3 + = is the first day of menstruation

12* = days starting test

or can be calculated with a 3 +10-1 = 12 (date of the last 12 months period), So, fertility tests began on the last 12 months.


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Link to the same post in the new blog: How to know you get pregnant | The pregnancy signs

How to know you get pregnant | The pregnancy signs

Not sure you are pregnant must have been delayed menstruation week? Although there is the test pack to test the pregnancy, sometimes believe changes in the body as a sign pregnancy is still a powerful way.

Here are 10 signs to ensure that you pregnant or not ahead, we check:

1. Nipple / breast softer
If you are pregnant, you will recognize that breast and its nipple become more gentle about three weeks after fertilization (during menstruation about a week late). It may have breast swelling, similar to the time of menstruation.

2. Spot appears and cramps
When you're pregnant, usually marked by the emergence of pink spot in pants, which occurred in the implantation (whereas a fetus in the uterus wall. This happened about 8-10 days following the ovulation, slightly earlier than the arrival time of menstruation). Sometimes we perceive it as incorrect menstruation, only a short time more than the normal menstruation. Cramps are also common in early pregnancy occurs. Until the second trimester pregnancy, cramps like this will appear. Contraction in the uterus occur regularly, increasing the sport, and even under the position changes.

3. Areola darkening
In early pregnancy, you may identify areas areola (the dark area around breast nipple) begin to become more dark and its diameter become large. Believed that the increase superseded color of areola help newborn babies to suckle the nipple. You may also want to recognize that the vena on breast become more visible because of breast tightening.

4. Excessive tired
If you are pregnant, the most common symptoms in eight to ten weeks is the first feeling tired. When pregnant, the body's metabolism changes are significant. Throughout your body needs to make adjustments to the new fetus growth. for most women, fatigue will go at the age of 12 weeks gestation.

5. Nausea and vomiting
If you are pregnant, in early pregnancy, several days after fertilization, may be experiencing a “morning sickness”. Actually This ‘morning sickness’ name is wrong, because the nausea and vomiting can occur at any time: morning, afternoon, night.

6. Frequent urination
When menstruation late one to two weeks, may wish urine more often instead of usually. This is because the fetus grows in the womb pressing the urine channel. Its feels have urinate.

7. Constipation
Defecate is difficult and not smoothly? This is commonly occurring in early pregnancy. Additional hormone produced during pregnancy causes the small intestine to become more flexible and less efficient.

8. The increasing temperature of the basalt of body
Now, you can be pregnant if basalt of the body temperature increase, which time period should come later. and not descend to the level before the ovulation. When the occurrence of fertilization, the ovum is fertilized in fallopian tube, and it need for about a week to go to the uterus, where the fertilized ovum will stick in there.

9. Menstruation not come.
This landmark early pregnancy, especially if regular monthlies familiar. Combined with positive signs above, most likely you are pregnant.

10. Pregnancy tests.
If you want to ensure their accuracy, do the test pack can be purchased freely in the drugstore. Accurate urine test for pregnancy age 10-14 days. Remember, a pregnancy test that can be done at home is not necessarily 100% correct, even after a check through the blood even. If all the test results is negative, you feel like while pregnant, do the test again. This time go to the gynecologist. (


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Link to the same post in the new blog: Rubella Influence to Fetus

Rubella Influence to Fetus

Rubella Influence to FetusRubella / Germany measles is caused by a virus called rubella. Although in clinical similar to the regular measles, slightly different from the normal measles, rubella measles can attack the brain or nerve and then the manifestation receive by new skin marked with a red spot emerged as a usual measles.

Rubella virus usually live in tropical area, subtropical, or also in the region that have spring, the virus will die in the cold temperature is -20 degrees Celsius, the virus incubation period is from mild flu symptom to appear red spots can occur in the period 7 to 20 days. When the virus enter the body, it will attack the body resistance and then this virus being attacked by the body immune, if the body immune succeed, the virus will aborts or fall and not get the disease, reverse it if the virus successfully attack the body's immune resistance will cause the symptoms of the disease so there is clinical.

Rubella virus is not the same with other viruses such as bird flu, the virus has no other mediator, either animal or plants, but transmission can occur through the air. Precisely when the catapult or sprinkling sputum of people with rubella incoming to other people’s body, the virus can also spread through body fluids such as sweat, if the body has strong resistance, the virus will die. But, if the body is weak then the virus will reside in the body.

At the first time it being discovered, the rubella measles or Germany measles being attention of the doctor in Germany so that they are very enthusiastic, so that the disease is named Germany measles. German measles symptoms are almost the same with the regular measles, indicated with ongoing fever but the temperature is not high, followed by flu, headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, muscle pains, and further raise the level of spot or red spots on the skin throughout the body. In this Germany measles disease, the red spot on the body felt very rough and bold if it is touched. In the early stages, the red spots there are only visible on the back of the ear, to overhaul the entire surface of the skin.

The complaint is the most complete symptoms have been detected where the introduction of the rubella virus in the body. German measles or rubella was likely the same attack to children, and the transmission from pregnant mothers to her fetus. Especially in pregnant women rubella will create a fetus grow incomplete, finally cause disability such as paralysis. And even causes miscarriage. The last while there are allegations that rubella virus that attacks the pregnant mother causing the child to autism.

A mother who has been affected by rubella before they become pregnant, when she pregnant she already has a body immune to attack the virus, the mother’s immune of rubella virus will take incoming the fetus, the fetus will not be attacked by rubella and then the child was born and the age of one year .


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Link to the same post in the new blog: Menstrual Cycle Helping woman from Smoking Addiction

Menstrual Cycle Helping woman from Smoking Addiction

A research conducted by scientists from the University of Minnesota, United States of America recently found a new way to stop the smoking habit in women, with attention to their monthly menstrual cycle. Research involving 200 women revealed that compared with other times, the success to stop the smoking habit will be more show results if done long before the ovulation come.

Menstrual Cycle Helping woman from Smoking AddictionOf course, this is good news for women who are currently trying desperately to stop the smoking addiction that is harmful to their health.

By the researchers, the respondents are asked to stop smoking before the menstruation period and during the fertile time after menstruation. For each stage in the period, the researchers saw differences hormone produced by the body of the respondents.

The result, after a 30-day trial, as much as 86% of women who start to stop smoking, began to surrender when they come nearly the menstruation period. Meanwhile, 66% of respondents had stopped smoking start again on smoking habits during the fertile time after menstruation. With this result, researchers believe that in the period before and after menstruation desire to enjoy the nicotine to be greater than the other times.

The researchers believe that hormones inside the women body have an important role in accelerating nicotine removing from blood. All this time, that nicotine which causes someone addicted. And the hormones in the women body that can clean this nicotine. Unfortunately, the body hormonal is different to each woman that is also determine the success of this," said spokesperson for the research on


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Link to the same post in the new blog: About Menstrual Cycle

About Menstrual Cycle

Understand your menstrual cycle and how come a woman gets pregnant are important knowing your fertility. Menstruation is a release of the womb wall (endometrium), which along with bleeding and going in every month except during pregnancy. Menstruation that continue to occur every month called menstrual cycle. in the menstrual cycle, if fertilization does not occur, endometrium layer in the uterus will drop out the body.

Menstruation usually occurs at the age of 11 years and continuing until you take up to menopause (usually occurs around age 45 - 55 years). Normally, menstruation lasted for 3 - 7 days. Menstrual cycles generally occur periodically every 28 days (there is also every 21 days and 30 days). But some women do not have a regular cycle and this can be an indication of fertility problems.

The duration of menstrual cycle calculated from the first day of the menstruation period - where the day begins bleeding referred to as the first day and then counted up to the last day - that is 1 day before next menstrual bleeding starting next month.

At the beginning of the cycle, a gland in the brain releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) into the bloodstream so that makes ovum cells are grown in the ovary. On the day 1 to day-to-14 going growth and development primary follicle being stimulated by this FSH hormone. On this seat, primary oosit cells will be split and produce haploid ovum. When follicle grow into matured follicle Graaf, this follicle also produce the estrogen hormone which stimulates secretion of LH from hipofisis. The work out estrogen has a function to stimulates the repair a of uterus wall named endometrium that is completed exfoliate during menstruation, besides estrogen prevent the formation of FSH and order hipofisis to produce LH that act to stimulate matured follicle Graaf to do ovulation, going on day-to-14. Around the time of a ovulation called the estrus phase.

About Menstrual Cycle
Menstrual Cycle Hormones

In addition, LH stimulates follicle (immature ovum) that has been empty turns to yellow body (Corpus Luteum). Yellow body produces hormones that act progesterone thicken endometrium layer that is rich with the blood vessel to prepare for the arrival of fetus. This period is called luteal phase, besides that, progesterone also hindered the production of FSH and LH, a result korpus luteum wane and disappear, the establishment of progesterone stopped, so that the giving nutrition to endometriam stop running, endometrium becomes dry up and there will exfoliate and bleeding (menstruation) on the day to -28. This phase is called bleeding phase or menstrual phases. Because there is no progesterone, then began to produce more FSH and oogenesis recurred.

How come a woman gets pregnant?

A woman has 2 ovary where each store around 200,000 to 400,000 immature ovum / follicles. Normally, only one or a few cells of ovum that grow every menstruation period, and about 14 minutes before the next menstruation, when the ovum cell has been so mature, ovum cells are released from the ovary and then walk to the tube and fallopian to be fertilized. The process called the release "OVULATION".

Illustration : Menstrual Cycle

At the beginning of the cycle, a gland in the brain releases a hormone called Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) into the bloodstream so that makes ovum cells are grown in the ovary.. One or more of the ovum cells and then grow more quickly than other ovum cells and become dominant and then begin to produce the estrogen hormone that is released into the bloodstream. Estrogen hormone in cooperation with hormone FSH help the ovum cell which is dominant to grow and then give signal to the womb in order to prepare to receive the ovum cell. Estrogen hormone also produce more mucus in the vagina to help the sperm viability after the sexual intercourse.

When the ovum cell has matured, a hormone released from the brain called the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). This hormone released in multitudes and trigger release of a ovum cell that has been matured from the ovary to the fallopian tube. If at this time, a healthy sperm entering the fallopian tube, the ovum cell has a great opportunity to be fertilized. Immediately after the meeting beetween ovum cells and sperm or is called fertilization, the ovum cell split itself into two cells. The average time needed about 30 hours after the second ovulasi cells to grow into embryo cells. Embryo cell require several days to walk to the fallopian tube, reaching the womb and in the end "embed themselves" in the womb.

Both continue to split the cells themselves produce more cells, called blastomere. Approximately 60 hours after ovulation, a group of cells (a group of blastomere) or the morula containing about 12 to 16 blastomere from moving toward falopian uterus. Once entering the uterus, the growth of the baby immediately. Furthermore, the fetus naturally stick to the womb.

Then, ovum cells will be split up and produce a Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG) hormone that can be detected with pregnancy tester. Hormone helps embryo growth in the womb.

If the ovum cell that has been released is not fertilized, the endometrium is shed and the next menstruation occurred.

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Link to the same post in the new blog: About Reproductive Organs

About Reproductive Organs

Male Reproductive System

Male reproductive organ designed to be able to generate, transmit and store sperm. Sperm stored in liquid that protected and nutritious, the semen.

Sperm Production

male reproductive organsDetermine the most important part of producing sperm is testis. Head of mature sperm has a oval shape and flat, and has a curls tail that useful to encourage sperm to enter the semen. Head of the sperm has a nucleus with a chromosome and also has a structure called the acrosome that is able to penetrate the layer of jelly that encircle ovum and that fertilize it if necessary. Sperm produced by the organ called testis safely stored in the scrotum. This position keep the testis keep cooler than other part of the body. The establishment of sperm is running low on the normal temperature, but continue to occur at a lower temperature in the scrotum. So, avoid things that cause the temperature around the scrotum to be high because it will affect the quality and quantity of sperm production.

Women's Reproductive System

female reproductive organsBasically, female reproductive organs consist of ovary (ovarium) and the uterus and the channels associated with both. Uterus is located in the center of the system, uterus has a bag shaped where babies grow. Without the baby inside it, uterus is very small only 7 to 9 cm. On the part of the outside, uterus through the cervix related to the vagina is the entrance of the penis and sperm.

Cervix is the lower part of the uterus from the vagina to have the channel. The top of the uterus is fallopian channel. Close to the bottom line is this ovary. Ovary produce about 200 thousand to 400 thousand follicles.

In the uterus called the endometrium, which will be thick during pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur then the layer of endometrium is shed and next period menstruation happened.

Illustration. In the structure of the Uterus

Reproductive Hormones

Hypothalamus and the pituitary gland set reproduction hormones. Hormones consist of:

Hypothalamus produce gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH)

GnRH stimulates pituitary gland to produce FSH and LH

Estrogen, progesterone and testosterone secreted by ovary.

Illustration. LH and FSH rising during menstrual cycle


A woman will have the ability to reproduce/pregnant after she enters puberty and start experiencing menstruation. The process of fertilization is very complex:

First to known, ovulation only happens one day just in one cycle and when the pregnancy does not occur, two weeks latter followed by a menstrual cycle. Usually, the period between ovulation and next menstruation is not much different. The duration of menstrual cycle is having variation depending on the time since the beginning of the cycle until ovulation.

The length of time since the beginning of menstruation until ovulation can be manifold. Ovulation often delayed at the time someone experiencing stress, during breastfeeding period and pre-menopause.

On a day ovulation in a cycle, one or two ovum cells are ready to be fertilized. Ovum cells do not live more than 24 hours, while the live sperm cells different. If there is no mucus that supports the continuance of his life, sperm cells cannot survive more than one hour or thereabouts. However, with the good cervix mucus, sperm cells can survive up to 2 or 3 days, sometimes even be able to 4 or 5 days.

At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, FSH stimulates several follicles being mature around 2 weeks until ovum cells approaching the size of three times. Only one follicle that will be the dominant for once cycle.

FSH provides signal to dominant follicle to produce estrogen that would reach the uterus. In the uterus, estrogen stimulates layer of uterus (endometrium) being thicken.
Estrogen reaches to peak around the day-to-14. At that time, estrogen trigger increased LH.

LH has two important roles, that are:

The increase in LH will stimulate the occurrence of ovulation. Ovulation occurs due dominant follicle pushed and release its ovum cell to one of the fallopian channel. In this channel, sperm fertilizes ovum cell.

Broken follicle will close and re-establish the korpus luteum that produces large amounts of progesterone. After 14 days korpus luteum will be destroyed immediately and the next cycle begins, unless if fertilization occurs.

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Luteinizing hormone (LH) produced by pituitary gland. Together with the hormones in the body of the other follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and estrogen, LH menstruasi help set the cycle in women and the occurrence of ovulasi. LH and FSH increased and decreased together menstruasi round of a cycle.

LH increased significantly shortly before the occurrence of ovulasi, normal menstrual cycle for 28 days this will happen in mid-cycle (day-to-14). This event is called the LH surge (increase of LH right)

Illustration. Increased LH and FSH during the cycle menstruasi

Travel fertilized eggs that have been

Immediately after the meeting with egg cells or sperm is called fertilization, the egg cell split itself into two cells. The average time needed about 30 hours after the second ovulasi cells to grow into embryo cells, and is moving down the fallopian channel cavity in the center of the uterus.

Both continue to split the cells themselves produce more cells, called blastomere. Approximately 60 hours after ovulasi, a group of cells (a group of blastomere) or the morula containing about 12 to 16 blastomere from moving toward falopian uterus. Once entering the uterus, the growth of the baby immediately. Furthermore, the fetus naturally stick to the womb.


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Link to the same post in the new blog: How to calculate your fertile period

How to calculate your fertile period

How to calculate your fertile period is not difficult. You can calculate yourself using the calendar system. This is a natural or natural that is used when you have a regular menstrual cycle. But it it will be a different chase, and quite difficult for woman with irregular menstrual cycle.

Using menstruation calendar

Menstruation cycleOkay, at first, try to record your menstrual cycle in the last 3 months in succession (on the first day of menstruation). And should the woman with a cycle that is not regularly menstruation be difficult to assess the fertile period in this way.

The calculation is based on the fertile period or when the ovulation going on to 14 of the next menstruation come reduce 2 days because sperm can live for 48 hours after ejaculation and added 2 days because the ovum cells can live 24 hours after ovulation.

So, for example if your menstrual cycle is 28 days and final period fall at date 1st, the next month menstruation period will fall at date of 28th. Thus, the estimated of your ovulation time, that is in the middle of the menstrual period that is 14. So, are on the fertile period around the date of 12th to 16th.

By measure the increasing of the body temperature rate.

body temperature usually increases in the time and after ovulation because of the influence of progesterone hormones.

By estimate the mucus of womb.

Estrogen hormone reaches to peak at the ovulation time and influence the mucus and the womb. Come close to ovulation time, the womb’s mucus usually be quite watery and when you touch with two fingers it will form to like a transparent yarn.

Hearing ovulation test tool

Now day, you can buy the test tool to predict fertile period or ovulation in the pharmacy or drug store. The tool works with this test measures the level of LH hormone, which is produced during ovulation. This tool is used as a pregnancy test, but of course, it costs more expensive.

Knowing when your fertile period, which can help you plan to have children and also at the same time as a method of family planning or contraceptives that are natural for who that want to delay a pregnancy, do not perform sexual intercourse during fertile times.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Consumption of seafood as a Natural Fertilizer

Consumption of seafood as a Natural Fertilizer

1-2 months before the wish to have a baby, the husband and wife must increase the nutrient value. Each day eat a little seafood, as a fertilizer, seafood is very good in the sperm strengthen and improve their liveliness (sperm).

Arginine is the absolute element of sperm builder, as often as possible consume foods that contain arginine can help reinforce the kidney and sperm. However, arginine can not be formed their own, should be absorbed through food.

Seafood such as haisom, squid, octopus (Octopus) and other sea food is food that is rich with content of arginine. In addition, fish, eel, peanut, sesame, walnut, is also in frozen food which contains arginine.

Why sea food is good choice as a fertilizer?

Minerals and mikronutrien that many foods contained in the sea, particularly the content of zinc months and have important effects in maintaining the structure and function of the men reproductive system by normality. So it will give positive result for male fertility. Nutrition institutions in China (the absorption number of food nutrition of China citizens), the amount of zinc absorption recommended to adult men is 15.5 Mg / day, and the number of selenium absorption recommended is 50 micro grams / day. The most amount of zinc found in the sea shellfish such as oysters, shrimp, and crabs.

High-quality protein contained in seafood is also the main formation of sperm. The level of pollution of fish and crayfish in the lower can help manage functions in the male secretion, and increase the number and quality of sperm. In addition, various types of food such as seaweed, sea weed, alkali healthy food is very good, and the rich will iodine, iron, other mikronutrien and calcium, may consume food as often as alkali can prevent physical acid, to reduce the factors that are not good for pregnant women.

Want to increase your fertility? so sea food should be a good fertilizer you can try.

(Source Dajiyuan)

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Increasing Male Fertility Recipes

Increasing Male Fertility Recipes

According to to multiply the volume of men sperm and increase male fertility, you can try this following measures:

How to Increase Male Fertility1. Amino acids

Amino acid believed to increase the ejaculation fluid (not the actual number of sperm required), if consumed regularly. A number of amino acids that include: L-Arginine, L-Lysine and L-Carnitine

2. Zinc

Zinc has been proven to increase the number of sperm production and the ability to move spontaneously independently. If complemented with the consumption of amino acids as mentioned previously, this will increase significantly the volume of sperm. It will boost up male fertility. For that try to eat a little seafood every day.

3. PC Training

Meanwhile, sports Kegel help you 'durable', such exercises also help to increase the volume of sperm too. Come, Kegel exercises can help Mr P still okay in shape, and stood gallant like really champions.

4. Horny Goat weed

Also called epimedium sagittatum. This plants help to boost up the libido and testosterone level, which makes stronger ejaculation.

5. Pumpkin seeds

Although the seed is not directly increase the number of sperm, but he trusted increase prostate health and testosterone production. So it give contribution to male vertility.
