Thursday, January 1, 2009

Blog Has Moved

Link to the same post in the new blog: Increasing Male Fertility Recipes

Increasing Male Fertility Recipes

According to to multiply the volume of men sperm and increase male fertility, you can try this following measures:

How to Increase Male Fertility1. Amino acids

Amino acid believed to increase the ejaculation fluid (not the actual number of sperm required), if consumed regularly. A number of amino acids that include: L-Arginine, L-Lysine and L-Carnitine

2. Zinc

Zinc has been proven to increase the number of sperm production and the ability to move spontaneously independently. If complemented with the consumption of amino acids as mentioned previously, this will increase significantly the volume of sperm. It will boost up male fertility. For that try to eat a little seafood every day.

3. PC Training

Meanwhile, sports Kegel help you 'durable', such exercises also help to increase the volume of sperm too. Come, Kegel exercises can help Mr P still okay in shape, and stood gallant like really champions.

4. Horny Goat weed

Also called epimedium sagittatum. This plants help to boost up the libido and testosterone level, which makes stronger ejaculation.

5. Pumpkin seeds

Although the seed is not directly increase the number of sperm, but he trusted increase prostate health and testosterone production. So it give contribution to male vertility.



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