Thursday, March 26, 2009

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Link to the same post in the new blog: Cigarette Has Negative effect to Sperm Production

Cigarette Has Negative effect to Sperm Production

smoking during pregnancy
For the couple husband and wife who want to have a baby but not yet come, it's good if you stop smoking or avoid smoking exposure. Besides that, the negative effects of cigarettes, smoking can also cause the production of sperm in the male lower.

Prof. Dr. dr Wahyuning Ramelan SPand (Specialist Andrology) Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital said based on research carried out on the rough men who smoke do not smoke and the result is likely to have a man smoking a lower sperm than men who do not smoke.

The WHO criteria of good sperm quality, has a volume of between 2 to 5 mililiter (ml) in each outflow. In very fertile men have more than 200 million sperm cells in each outflow.

"Indeed, until now there is no formal research and accurate figures on the human influence on these cigarettes. But there are factors," said dr Ramelan, during the discussion titled “Mendambakan Punya Momongan (Crave to get a Baby)”, at Brawijaya Women & Children Hospital, Jakarta, Saturday (13/12) .

The same thing also happened on the research conducted on animals to test. According to dr Ramelan, if animals are given cigarettes exposure, try the animal will experience a decrease in male sperm production. In addition, the trend has a child with congenital defects also tended to increase compared to animals that do not try to be smoke exposure.

"We recommend avoiding cigarette exposure. Because we also do not know our sensitivity. Every individual is different backgrounds," he said.




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